Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today was a slow day, ice on the ground prohibited some of the training, with the horses with no shoes. I am hoping they will get them soon ;-) Also in the process of moving one horse.

Roseli did very good today even though the wind against the arena was a force she could not rec'on with. She was not to happy about and not ready for it. So we did some ground work and let her have an easy day.

Erkki will be coming to Aktiivitalli soon hopefully, so we are postponing until then.

It will be a late night as I still have to work on Duke and a couple more horses before the nights end, so I will post that as soon as I can.

Ellu had a day off today...

And on another note I finally got my car back today after two weeks of being in the shop. And I got some quality time with a couple little munch kins it was great :-)

Ill post asap when done with duke and the others.

1 comment:

  1. So Duke went well, he was so easy going last night, his focus was right on. I was so proud, I hope it goes as well or better next round...

    Also worked with another horse it went well as well more details soon on that.
