Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I was also in Inkoo working with a Dressage Horse Roseli that im trying to calm down, she is a very spooky and high strung mare, I been working with her a while and she is doing very well. What ive been getting her to do is lots and lots of circles. When I fell like she is going to start to act up I bring her into a small circle and when she gives to the bit and lowers her head then i head out again into a straight line, it has been a long process due to prior training that did not go to well... This is the importance of making sure you understand how to handle horses like that, when you have a horse that gets its way every time and you give into the horse when he or she acts up the horse will learn this and then you have a big problem. So make sure you always win the argument, push through the bad behavior and when they give into you then release the pressure. I will have a video up soon that explains this in better detail.

Cody Cirigliano

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